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Sherman Hemsley

Sherman Hemsley

Birthday: 1 February 1938, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Birth Name: Sherman Alexander Hemsley
Height: 168 cm

Sherman Hemsley played characters known to be wise-cracking, "Weezy" loving, boisterous fools which America and the entire world laughed with kindheartedly. Sherman Alexander Hemsley, Air Fo ...Show More

Sherman Hemsley
[When he was about to co-star with Isabel Sanford on All in the Family (1971)'s spinoff, The Jeffers Show more [When he was about to co-star with Isabel Sanford on All in the Family (1971)'s spinoff, The Jeffersons (1975)]: Isabel Sanford, who played his wife, Louise Jefferson, was reluctant to leave All in the Family (1971). She didn't know how the show would go. Hide
Sherman Hemsley's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (187)
Sherman Hemsley Sherman Hemsley'S roles
George Jefferson
George Jefferson

Judge Carl Robertson
Judge Carl Robertson

Mr. Washington
Mr. Washington

B.P. Richfield
B.P. Richfield
