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Gloria Reuben

Gloria Reuben

Birthday: 9 June 1964, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Height: 171 cm

Gloria Elizabeth Reuben is a Canadian born actress and singer who has amassed impressive credentials in television, film, theater, and music.Reuben was born in Toronto, Ontario and started classical p ...Show More

Gloria Reuben's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (147)
Gloria Reuben Gloria Reuben'S roles
Dr. Selma Orchard
Dr. Selma Orchard

Detective Blake Kanon
Detective Blake Kanon

Professor Kathy Miller
Professor Kathy Miller

Dr. Selma Orchard
Dr. Selma Orchard


Det. Theresa Walker
Det. Theresa Walker

Elizabeth Keckley
Elizabeth Keckley

Jeanie Boulet
Jeanie Boulet


Krista Gordon
Krista Gordon

Thelma Gleffey
Thelma Gleffey

Marina Peralta
Marina Peralta
